The Benefits of Green Tea

Apr 04, 2023Emma Lewis

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Our health should always be a priority and few drinks remind us of what it means to be healthy like green tea. This super beverage is packed with vitamins and nutrients, plus its calming flavor will help you slow down and smell the jasmine!

Green tea is a true gift from nature. This lightly caffeinated beverage has so much to offer thirsty tea drinkers. From flavor to nutrients this drink really has it all! Green tea can offer both our bodies and our minds a little boost with its bright and leafy flavor.

Much like black or oolong teas, green tea comes from the camellia sinensis plant; however, unlike black or oolong teas, green tea does not undergo the same oxidation process, so it remains fresh and full of green flavors. This makes for a smooth and satisfying cup that will help to liven your senses and satisfy your tea craving!

The benefits do not end with the fresh flavor found in a great green tea! This classic beverage is also packed with healthy antioxidants which may contribute to everything from fighting cancer to helping us have glowing skin. So every time you take a sip you’re helping to boost your body’s defenses against some serious concerns.

Our brains also benefit from this smooth and earthy beverage. The average green tea has just enough caffeine to give you a gentle boost. This small caffeine surge is just enough to keep our minds sharp and in the game. That is why a cup of green tea is the perfect choice for a busy afternoon pick-me-up!

Possibly the best thing that green tea can offer is the delicious feeling you get when sipping on the perfect cup of tea. When life gets hectic nothing helps you slow down like a great cup of green tea. One sip of the fresh green tea flavor will whisk you away to a happy and calm place and there is no better green tea to help you find your inner peace than our Aroma of Jasmine East, a loose-leaf green tea.

Aroma of Jasmine East greets you with the pleasant floral smell of jasmine flowers; it’s like walking through a meadow in bloom every time you open the container! This bright floral aroma makes every cup downright irresistible, but it is backed up with a smooth and satisfying flavor. This green tea is loaded with tons of leafy flavors with a delightful jasmine undertone.

This flavorful green tea is satisfying and so versatile. It works as a nice warm tea on a cold afternoon and it also makes a perfect iced tea for a hot summer day. Whether it is served hot or over ice, this fresh sip will fortify your body and take your mind on a relaxing vacation! There is no better way to take care of yourself than with a delicious cup of tea and no better tea to help you reach your own personal peace than Aroma of Jasmine East, loose-leaf green tea!

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